Why Do Yoga During Pregnancy?

These yoga antenatal classes offer more than just modifying traditional yoga poses and sequences – the Birthlight approach aims to support the physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy - as well as prepare the body for birth. With strengthening postures to build stamina for labour, stretches, positions and movements to create comfort and space for your growing baby (helping you to both feel more comfortable), and breathing and relaxation techniques to ease the mind and the body and empower you through your pregnancy, labour, or other birthing experience. 

The exceptional Birthlight breathing practices are effective in facilitating calm and are known to ease anxieties associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Such practices support releasing fears, tensions and unhelpful thoughts, while also acting as a valuable tool to better manage pain. 

Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga

 * Bonding with Baby
* Toning the core muscles /pelvic floor
* Self Care, reducing stres and anxiety
* Preventing or relieving back pain
* Preparing the body for birth
*Explore useful movements and breathing techniques

Research indicates that other benefits of Pre-natal yoga include:
* Enhanced quality of sleep
* Greater optimal positioning of baby ready for birth
* Reduced pain levels during labour
* Better labour experiences and outcomes
* Improved postnatal recovery

Pregnancy Yoga Minding Each Moment

What to Expect in a Pregnancy Yoga Class

The unique Birthlight practices of rhythmic movement and letting go of inhibitions are also important features in each class - as we learn to calm the mind and tune into the body, the birthing tools of intuitive movement and remaining grounded and focused, are practiced along with useful poses for labour and birth so that they become familiar, comfortable and easy to use instinctively in labour. Additionally, methods of finding, feeling and creating elasticity within the pelvic floor – e.g. strengthening the pelvic muscles as well as learning to release and soften them (very important for giving birth!) are also practiced.

Each class ends with a relaxation and a quiet moment to feel at peace with your growing baby. The atmosphere of the class is caring, friendly, and filled with music and good humor.

**For more information about The Birthlight Trust please visit 

  Currently No Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Please note there are currently no Pregnancy Yoga classes running, as I am taking time to do some additional training and to consider my teaching path.

Do keep an eye on the Facebook Page or Instagram for updates and posts of practices.

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